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Hydraulic Lorry Loader

The course is based both in the classroom and outside demonstrating the Vehicle Mounted Hydraulic Lorry Loader.

Please arrive early so we can carry out Identity & Licence Checks and Course Administration – including completion of registration form 

Course Content


Welcome and Introduction

Ice breaking, introduction and objectives of the course, fair processing notice, day’s activities including course timetable, and ground rules including applicable Health & Safety and aspects of Equality & Diversity.  
Prior knowledge review.

Powerpoint Presentation


Relevant Legislation 

Health &Safety at Work Act, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (1998) (HSE Publication L113), Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (1998) (HSE Publication L22) Working on public highways, laws and regulations.

Powerpoint Presentation & Handout


Introduction to the Equipment

Safety checks on vehicle and equipment. Safety features.
Correct use of defect reporting. Site hazards and risk assessment

Powerpoint Presentation & Discussion


Safe Handling of Loads

Practical walk-round assessment as appropriate for attendees. Safe set up of vehicle for depositing loads on and off vehicle. Safe stowing of equipment following loading/unloading operation.

Demonstration using Vehicle Mounted Hydraulic Lorry Loader


Safe Handling of Loads (Cont)

Understanding safe procedures for lifting and lowering loads. Correct positioning of loads on and off vehicle. 

Demonstration using Vehicle Mounted Hydraulic Lorry Loader


Practical Assessment of Operational Skills

Assessment of Individual skills by Instructor

Demonstration using Vehicle Mounted Hydraulic Lorry Loader


Theoretical Assessment of Knowledge

Completion of written review questionnaire containing both open and multiple-choice questions relating to course content.

Written Questionnaire 



Discuss prior knowledge reviews and questionnaire against aims, objectives and outcomes


The course will count as 7 hours towards Driver CPC Training.

Feel free to contact us by email or telephone for more information.





30 mins





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100 mins



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30 mins

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